The Scary Looking Cloud Club web site migrated to a new site on October 1, 2015. Same great stuff, but just a new domain and slightly different structure.
Our new URL is:
If you navigate to the old URL of... will re-directed or referred to the new URL.
From time to time I will comment on added SLC pictures and other weather-related items.
The SLC Club web site wouldn't be what it is without the help and efforts of my daughter Tracy Kapela. She designed the logo and second SLC Club web page in the fall of 2013. She taught me how to set up our new web page (version 3) in the fall of 2015 using Squarespace.
Also - a thanks is extended toSteve Davis, Lead Forecaster & office webmaster, set up the original (first) SLC web page in September 2009. Thanks Steve! All I had to do was edit some text and post pictures as they came into the office!
As of October 1, 2015, we have 239 pictures in the gallery. However, we do have a total of 255 pictures we're migrating from the old web site to the new one, plus an additional couple dozen which have never been posted. Give us some time during this construction phase.
Rusty Kapela (retired September 2013)